“Your mood is the key factor in determining your thinking clarity, performance and happiness.”
- Shane Cradock

Boost Your Mood. Boost Your Business.

Join the Feel Good Club

If your feel tired, overwhelmed, frustrated, demotivated and you second-guess yourself, no amount of work and strategies will give you the results you want. Instead slow down, do less and work on your mood.

Join the community of fellow female entrepreneurs who want to grow a profitable businesses with calm and ease, while living the life they love.

As a member you recieve:

Weekly Email

Email with one very specific tool to lift your mood.

Private Community

Access to monthly casual zoom chats, where we discuss the monthly topics and share our wins and challenges.

The Feel Good Club is for you, if:

  • You work more hours than you want, and you neglect your well-being, and your relationships.

  • Your business is doing great, but you feel overworked and unhappy.

  • Your business is not doing great, and you feel demotivated, frustrated and you doubt yourself.

  • You want to feel good and positive now, regardless of external circumstances.

  • You want to grow a profitale business with calm and ease while enjoying your life.

Join us

Join us

Ella Szumlas
Founder of Feel Good Club


I’ve done the mindset courses, read many inspiring personal development books, and love the concepts, but I found them difficult to apply.

They weren’t really concrete, or overwhelm me with the number of tools and strategies they presented. Usually I start off with enthusiasm, but as the initial motivation wears off, I tend to drop them.

So, I've come up with this idea of weekly emails that keep me focused and on track.

If you too, would like to actively (by doing, not by consuming more information) learn and build new feel-good habits so you can achieve the results you want and connect with like-minded women for extra accountability, I want to invite you to join the Feel-Good Club.

When we shift our state to a more relaxed, inspired and mentally calm one, ideas, insights and solutions seem to naturally occur with minimal effort.
— Shane Cradock

What’s included?

I wanted to make the Feel-Good Membership very simple, doable and fun for everyone.

Every Monday you will receive an email with one simple and quick to-do task, that over time, will help you break out of your current rut and bring more calm, joy and focus to your your life and business. When we feel better, we do better and get better results.

  • To see the results, you need to put in the work. I suggest to block 30 minutes on your calendar daily. Some tasks will take you less time or you won’t need to repeat them daily but you can always use the remining time for meditation or decluttering.

  • To keep everything organized, each task will have it’s own worksheet. Get yourself a binder and keep all the worksheets in one place.

  • To form a new habit we need to practice the same thing daily for minimum 21 days that’s why the tasks are divided into monthly topics.

  • Join our monthly 30-minute accountability call where you can connect with like-minded women who like you, are striving for a better work-life balance and happiness.

Monthly Topics

Your mood is affected by several factors such as, physical condition (your health, body, surroundings), mental condition (your thoughts), spiritual (your why and your purpose) or emotional conditions (your self-image and self-worth). Each month we will be working on a different condition to transform your life and business one step at a time.

  • Get Ready


    You need to know where are you going on your journey and what is important for you. Set the intentions and learn the tools that will help you do the work and stay on track.

    Results: You’re ready to create the life and business you love.

  • Clear Your Space


    Does your life feel messy? Declutter, simplify and organize your home, office, calendar, inbox as well as your business and your goals.

    Results: You feel energized and accomplished.

  • Clear Your Mind


    Our thoughts create our feelings and our results. Clear your negative thoughts and calm your mind so you can think clear again.

    Results: You feel clear, calm and grounded.

  • Create Abundance


    Abundance is a feeling of enoughness. Let’s fill up our cup first, to pour into others.

    Results: You feel enough, happy and calm.

  • Find Pleasure


    Break your daily rut by adding new, exciting and fun rituals.

    Results: You feel happy, worthy and loved.

  • Prioritize Your Health


    Health is everything. If you’re in pain it’s hard to feel good and think clearly. Take time to assess your health condition, create and implement your self-care plan.

    Results: You feel good, healthy and in control.

  • Eat Attentively


    Plan what and how to eat in order to feel energized, instead of sleepy and sluggish.

    Results: You feel light, energized and calm.

  • Get Moving


    Movement makes your heart beat faster and calm your mind what makes you think clearer.

    Results: You feel calm, clear and full of energy.

  • Show Up and Be Seen


    Stop hidding. You’re amazing and you are important.

    Results: You feel worthy, calm and confident.

  • Love Your Body


    Healthy and radiant skin makes most women more confident no matter their size. Full stop.

    Results: You feel loved, worthy and confident.

  • Live Passionately


    We live only once so let’s get the most out of it. Try new things.

    Results: You feel happy, energized and accomplished.

  • Maintain The Routine


    We put all the pieces together and learn how to maintain the new habits.

    Results: You feel in control and accomplished. You transformed your life and business.

The days are long, but the years are short.
— Gretchen Rubin

Don’t waste another year waiting until your business will take off, or you will have more time. Start feeling good and living the life you love now!

Making the resolutions is the easy part, the following through is what makes it hard and challenging.

Join the community and receive the support you need to stay focused and make a real progress on your feel-good journey.

You Can Do This!



Feel Good Club
Every month

✓ Weekly email sent every Monday
✓ Weekly fun worksheets
✓ Private community

Feel Good membership was inspired by the following great books: Bare by Susan Hyatt, Lessons from Madame Chic by Jennifer L. Scott, The Art Of Extreme Self-Care by Cheryl Richardson, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, The Inner CEO by Shane Cradock, Worthy by Jamie Kern Lima.


  • This membership is planned for a year, one email per week. If you want to maintain the good habits, I would love you to stay longer and repeat the work with me year after year.

  • Yes, you can cancel your membership anytime you want. There is no obligation to stay till the end. Please note there are no refunds for the months that have already been completed. To cancel simple email to ella@ellawebdesign.ie

  • Depending on the task, you will need from 5 to 30 minutes daily to do the tasks.

  • If you join during the year, you have access to the first four emails that will prepare you for the feel good journey. They are stored in this online portal. This membership is ongoing so you will get access to the emails you missed next year.

  • Yes, you can join at any time. The tasks are self-contained. If you joined during the year, I suggest to check the first four “Get Ready” emails and then start taking steps with your next weekly email. You can find the Get Ready emails
    in your member portal.

    Your membership renews automatically every month so you will have access to the emails that you missed, next year.

  • Yes! This membership includes 52 weekly emails helping you lift your mood, stay calm and motivated so you can transform your life and business one area at a time. Maintaining good habits is an ongoing work. I would love you to stay in the membership and do the work with me year after year. Also I will be updating the content of the mebership as I learn new and effective tools myself.

Imagine having a profitable business and a life that you truly love. What would that feel like? What is it worth to you?

You can unsubscribe anytime.