How to Create a Marketing Message That Attracts Your Ideal Clients For Your Squarespace Website - Ep #26
Are you struggling to write a marketing message that resonates with your ideal clients? Don't worry, you're not alone. Your one liner message, which explains what you do, who you serve, and the benefits of working with you, is one of the most important elements on your website and in your marketing. In this podcast episode I talk with Yasmin Vorajee, the award winning author of the book "Tiny Time Big Results", about how to write a message that captivates your audience. She also shares her insights from her own journey, including how she grew her business and the daily habits that contribute to her success. Tune in for some great tips!
Yasmin Vorajee is the creator and #1 bestselling & award winning author of Tiny Time Big Results where she helps business owners (primarily solopreneurs) hit 3-5k+ months working 20 hours a week or less. Her expertise and passion lies in helping business owners craft a captivating marketing message and offer premium packages which makes it easier to get paid very well. Yasmin has been featured in the Irish Times, Irish Independent, Dublin City FM, The Huffington Post, Tatler, Evoke and the Sunday Independent.
You may follow Yasmin on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn
Check Yasmin’s Free Guide “Fastest Path to Cash” - download HERE
03:00 Tell us about your entrepreneurial journey, how long did it take you to reach your first 25k milestone?
When I started, I had no clue how to market myself. I had no clue how to sell. I was terrible at both of those things. And yet somehow, I was still able to sell something and be able to hit the 25k within the first couple of years. And then it was really about learning and getting better at marketing and sales. And also, what I've done, what I've offered has changed over the years as well. And that's been an interesting journey for me as well because being in business is really powerful personal development. I was building a lot of momentum and then it was like a snap back. The self-sabotage kicks in and all the other stuff. There was guilt, there was almost like a shame about not working that much.
Being in business is really powerful personal development.
07:27 Yes, it takes time to build the momentum and I don’t believe anyone who promise €10k in 6 months. It takes time to figure out what you want, what kind of business model works best for you, what people you want to work with. Nobody can give you a ready recipe for a successful business. What works for one person not necessary will work for you. You have to figure it out yourself.
I absolutely agree with you. Clarity comes from actually the doing. And so I'm a big fan of messy action of actually just getting into it. And that will help you get clearer, but don't put yourself under the pressure of thinking I had to have this all nailed perfectly. Because even though like my tagline has been tiny, time big results since 2014, though what I've done underneath that umbrella has changed many, times in clarity, levels of clarity, all of those things have evolved.
No one pays as much attention to what we're doing as we do. No one's going to know that last year I was talking about this, they're not paying that much attention. So it really doesn't matter. And it's like just let yourself experiment, let yourself be the scientist in the lab and go, have fun with it.
Clarity comes from actually the doing.
09:22 Do you remember the moment when suddenly something has clicked and your business really took off?
When I published my book Tiny Time Big Results, that was a moment that everything just kind of clipped into place. I had always this idea of writing a book, because it's a great business card, it elevates your authority and your credibility. I wrote the book in a month. I wrote 35,000 words in the month while still working like three, four hours a day. I wrote the first draft and I sent it to five test readers. Only one of those people knew about tiny time big results. Others were all completely new to the concept. And I got their feedback. And that was so powerful. And then my editor gave me feedback as well. That crystallized my proprietary method, the way that I was doing everything. The book really made me feel like, now I know what I'm doing there. And that book has been one of the best things that I've done in my business I wish I had this book when I first started because I would know what to focus on.
I got their feedback. And that was so powerful.
12:12 Did you have any struggles in your business and how you overcome the biggest one?
Well, yes. And honestly, probably 80% of it was, like constantly questioning myself, constantly questioning my worth, it felt too easy. I need to get harder for myself, so then I put all these obstacles. I really felt that spring back, where you make really great progress and then you pull back. Yes, there was a lot of work I had to do on my own identity. It's like, are you the person who plays small, or are you the person that says, I would make 5k, who am I being? I think that's always been the key thing for me. It's being very mindful of my own self sabotage strategies.
There was a lot of work I had to do on my own identity.
15:05 Have you worked on your mindset yourself or have you got some help?
Oh, yes, I've lots of help. I work with coaches. I work with healers. I do lots of different things. But what really help me is the daily stuff that I'm doing, like, journaling and meditating. You can get help to increase levels of awareness about what you're doing. Ultimately, though, nothing's going to happen unless I change what's going on for me internally. Think of yourself as a mirror. What's going on for you out there is a reflection of what’s going on inside. If you think something is going to be really difficult, are you projecting that out there and then things are really hard for you? I think when you change your internal world, it changes your external world.
So, all of those pieces, the coaches, the books, the videos, really help to get aware what I'm doing, but you still have to do the work yourself. You have to know what you're thinking. Nobody has the magic wand. Nobody is going to give you the answer or fix it for you.
What's going on for you out there is a reflection of what’s going on inside.
19:08 I’m a web designer, so I’m curious how do you use your website and how a website make your business easier and better?
Yes, website is making it easier. I use my website as a shop front so if somebody has heard about me and want to check me out, I send them to my website. I want them to get a sense of what I do. I want them to get a feel for me, my personality, all of those types of things. I use the website as an online brochure, but also as a way for people to kind of binge consume my content so that they can feel like, this is the person that I really want to work with. I use social media, I build my email list, I do a lot of email marketing and then I might send them back to the website. So, for me, the website is really powerful, but what I find is that people get so bogged down into building a fancy website when they don't need to, like you could have a one-page website and that could be everything that you need it to be.
I use my website as a shop front, so if somebody has heard about me and want to check me out, I send them to my website. I want them to get a sense of what I do.
I think that's really important. It's the question that you just ask, like how do you use the website? You don't just build a website and expect that now all these clients are going to come. For me, the website is more a shop front. I want people to go on it. I want them to go and read my blog or watch my videos or listen to my podcast and get a real feel of working with me.
You don't just build a website and expect that now all these clients are going to come
I was looking at your website yesterday. It's like looking around and getting a feel, what you do and talk about. People need like seven to eleven touches, exposure to somebody to decide that, they're going to come and work with you. And that's what I want the website to do, is to be that place where they can go and explore my videos, podcasts, audio, my offers and things like that.
This is the first thing I always do, when meeting new people, I want to check them out and I go to their website first. I probably wouldn't go to their social media, I probably go to their website first.
This is the first thing I always do, when meeting new people, I want to check them out and I go to their website first.
22:03 People don't have time. So, it's very important to have a very clear message. In fact, when somebody's landing on your site, it takes only three to five seconds for them to make their first opinion about your business, if it's for them or not. So, let's talk about how to create a clear message for your website and business. When you are talking in person, you can, use many words to describe what you do, but on the website, it has to be one-liner. It has to be really straight to the point. So, tell me, do you have any suggestions how to create a clear and compelling message?
My suggestion for the one liner is to get really clear on what problem you solve and who you solve it for. If I was to be in a network meeting and everyone was going around and saying what they do, I want to stand up. I don't want to have a really long, winded message. I want people to remember what I said and then I want them to come and talk to me afterwards.
Get really clear on what problem you solve and who you solve it for
I think this is where people struggle, that their messages are bland, they're wordy, they're like there's too many words, there's too much jargon in there.
I think of it like when you have a police line-up. If there was 10 people who did what you do, what would make you stand out? And what would make someone think, oh I want to go work with that person. And that's where the messaging is so important.
If there was 10 people who did what you do, what would make you stand out?
Ask yourself what is it that you really do? What's the result that someone's going to get when they come and work with you. I think too many people lead with their modality like I'm a hypnotherapist, instead of actually leading with the problem that they solve. And that's what business is all about. It's about solving problems. So, if you're clear on the problem that you solve, like I help people to make more money without working long hours, you also have to be clear on who you want to work with. Choose a group of people that you could get a result for quickly, and focus on them at least for the next 6 months to build the momentum.
I like messaging that's really filtering. It filters you out or it filters you in. I remember this woman she had her messaging like, I work with eight figures business owners and anybody who's 7, 6, 5 figures. When you're talking directly to one person it's so much easier to create content, to prepare webinars for that person. That's my thing, I talk to one person. I know then she's gonna hear me and my messaging will just be so much more powerful and impactful, than if you try to talk to everybody and then to cover all angles and then it just loses the power.
I like messaging that's really filtering. It filters you out or it filters you in
27:25 My last question when your business is all set up when you have your message, your audience, your offer what is the one thing that you should do daily to move your business forward?
The one thing that you should do daily is selling. Connect with people who've come into your social media, reach out to someone who might be a good collaborator for with you. Selling is not always about buy my stuff, it's about maybe I might contact with Ella and say that I could do a webinar for her clients and then the webinar can lead to sales.
The one thing that you should do daily is selling.
It’s very easy to hide behind your computer to create more stuff, digital goods to sell, but that's stopping you from getting out there and meeting people and actually telling people what you're offering.
Selling for me, looks like I'm writing my content that speaks to my target audience, I'm putting up my posts inviting people to come and book a call with me, I’m talking about how I help my clients solve their problems so selling is not always buy my stuff.
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