How To Increase Conversion Rate on Your Consult Calls - Ep #31

Hey there, fellow business owners! Today, I've got a killer tip that can take your conversion rate on consultation calls to new heights. Picture this: you're using a calendar link, making it super easy for clients to book a call with you. But here's the catch—many of those leads aren't quite ready to commit and say no on the consult calls. They don't know you, they don't trust you yet. So, how do we fix that? Get ready, because I've got one simple trick that can skyrocket your conversion rate.

Read the blog or listen to the podcast below.




While providing a direct calendar link to book a call may seem convenient, it often results in a high volume of leads that are not yet ready to make a purchase. We call them cold leads.

To address this challenge, I want to offer you a simple yet effective tip that can significantly increase your conversion rate.

Instead of sending the direct link to your calendar, send potential clients to your website before booking a consultation call. Trust me, it works like a charm. By strategically designing your website to engage and inform visitors, you can immediately establish trust, credibility, and a strong connection with your audience, ultimately leading to easier sales conversions.

Downsides of direct calendar links

Alright, let's get real for a minute. I know direct calendar links seem like the Holy Grail of convenience. You add a "Book a Call" link in your social media bio, and boom! Clients can schedule a chat with just one click. But unfortunately there's a downside. Sure, it's easy for clients, but it also means you're getting tons of leads who aren't quite ready to make a decision.


You see, trust is the name of the game. When someone stumbles upon your social media post, they might be intrigued, but they don't know if they can trust you yet. They haven't seen what you do, read about your offer, or heard those glowing testimonials from your satisfied clients. They don’t have the necessary information to make an informed decision so, they hesitate. And that's not good for conversions.


The Power of Pre-Call Website Engagement

Now, here comes the game-changer: send those potential clients to your website first. Yeah, I know it sounds simple, but trust me, it works wonders. By giving them a chance to browse around your website before booking a call, you're giving them a taste of what you're all about. And when done right, it's a total game-changer.

Yes, they can change their mind and don’t book a call, but it’s a good thing! They just save your time and they are not your ideal clients anyway.



Clients aren’t booking?

Just by increasing traffic to your website, you will get more clients. Find out how.



Why it works?

  • Website gives them all the necessary information to make a decision

Instead of sending clients straight to your calendar, send them on a detour to your website. This detour gives them a chance to dive into your brand, soak up your awesomeness, and make an informed decision before they commit to a consultation call.


  • Website builds trust and credibility

Your website is like your secret weapon to establish trust and credibility. Use compelling content, showcase those killer testimonials, and share mind-blowing case studies. Show potential clients that you're the real deal and build that trust factor like a boss.


  • Website shows off your brand

Your website is your chance to flaunt your brand's personality, values, and what makes you unique. Make it an experience that wows your target audience and sets you apart from the competition. It's time to make a lasting impression, my friend.


  • Website shows off your expertise and gives value

Fill your website with killer helpful content. Blog articles, videos, downloadable resources—make it rain with valuable insights. Show potential clients that you know your stuff and that you're the go-to expert in your field. Knowledge is power, and it's time to power up your website.


  • Website shows off your social proof

Nothing convinces potential clients quite like hearing from your happy customers. Display those rave reviews, share success stories, and let your satisfied clients do the talking. Authentic feedback creates trust and gets those conversions rolling in.

From Website Engagement to Booking a Call

To maximize conversion opportunities and ensure a smooth transition from website engagement to consultation calls, consider the following strategies:

Strategic call-to-action

While visitors browse your website, it's essential to provide clear and direct calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage them to book a consultation call. Place those calls-to action in strategic spots alongside compelling reasons to take action, and let the magic happen. Make it impossible for visitors to miss the CTA buttons. Make them truly stand out from the page and omni-present.


Personalization and engagement

To create a personalized experience for visitors, add contact forms, or fun quizzes. Engage with your potential clients, get to know them better, and tailor those consultation calls to their needs. It's all about making that personal connection.


Optimizing user experience

A seamless and user-friendly website experience is crucial for conversion. Make sure your website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and looks amazing on mobile and desktop. A smooth and enjoyable user experience enhances your professionalism and boosts those conversion rates.



So there you have it, my fellow entrepreneurs. Redirecting potential clients to your website before booking a consultation call is the secret sauce to supercharging your conversion rate.

It's all about building trust, showcasing your expertise, and making an unforgettable impression. With strategic CTAs, personalized engagement, and a killer user experience, you'll be converting like a pro.

P.S. Ready to grow your business and make your life easier? Let's chat! Head over to and let's make magic happen.

If you found this podcast helpful, please feel free to SHARE it with others and sign up to our email list HERE, so you’ll never miss any episode. Thank you - Ella

Ready to attract your ideal clients with ease through a website that truly reflects you and your brand? 
Stop overthinking and get it done in a day. Click here to book a call 



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